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Search Results For "Brand"
Dating Detox designed to help "toxic singles"
There are 13 million singletons in the UK.
search on: Dating-Detox-designed-help-"toxic-singles"
Spring Singles Party
Saturday, 4 June >>BOOK NOW

Open Age: 30 to 60 (men and women)

Lazy Bones
Unit 5 Cowcross Street
search on: Spring-Singles-Party
Russell Brand 'considering settling down'
Comedian Russell Brand likes big girls and wants to settle down someday, according to media reports.
search on: Russell-Brand-considering-settling-down
Rules are there to be broken
To make a relationship work, there are some rules that couples should follow, whether its hiding your feelings to prevent an argument, playing it cool or doing everything you can to please your partner.
search on: Rules-there-broken
Ads issue dating 'call to arms'
Deodorant brand Lynx has launched a digital advertising campaign that incorporates dating advice for males.
search on: Ads-issue-dating-'call-arms'
Men 'identify with Eastenders' Ian Beale'
When it comes to star spending behaviour, most men see themselves as Ian Beale rather than David Beckham, according to a new poll.
search on: Men-identify-Eastenders-Ian-Beale
Men 'more likely to be gold-diggers'
Men are far more likely to marry for money than women are, according to a new study.
search on: Men-'more-likely-be-gold-diggers'
Silver Surfers finding love online
You might think that online dating is a pastime of the young, hip and trendy, but new research reveals that an increasing number of pensioners are finding love on the internet.
search on: Silver-Surfers-finding-love-online
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