Ulrika Johnson pregnant by fourth father |
TV presenter Ulrika Johnson has announced that she is pregnant with her fourth child. And this will be the fourth man the serial-dater has had a child with. |
Death row-mance |
A Saudi prisoner who is on death row is to marry the daughter of a fellow prisoner, much to the delight of their families. |
Couple get leap year anniversary |
A young couple have discovered that their chosen wedding day will mean they only get to celebrate their anniversary once every four years. |
Women choosing shopping over sex |
A worrying one in four women would rather partake in an outdoor activity than stay home for some loving with their partner, with four in ten opting for a shopping trip rather than an afternoon in bed. |
World's fastest divorce |
A couple from Israel have divorced after only four days of marriage. |
Couple reunite after 41 years |
A couple from Australia have married 41 years after they got a divorce. |
Football on the brain |
Men are often distracted during intimate time with their partners because they have other things on their minds. |
Australians love romance |
Ozzies are turning up the romance, a new survey has revealed. |