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Search Results For "pad"
Jude Law and Sadie Frost getting back together?
Brit actor Jude Law has sparked rumours that he has rekindled his relationship with ex-wife Sadie Frost after the pair were spotted looking for property together.
search on: Jude-Law-Sadie-Frost-getting-back-together?
Keira Knightley's luvvie pad
Keira Knightley is moving into an East End love pad, which according to the Daily Mirror, she bought back in the spring with her actor boyfriend Rupert Friend.
search on: Keira-Knightleys-luvvie-pad
The smell of attraction
A study has shown that women react to sweat produced by male sexual activity and that they may even be able to detect if a man is attracted to them by sniffing them.
search on: smell-attraction
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