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... Are Irish men really the most ugly in Europe? Are Irish men really the most ugly in Europe?

12 March 2012

The crazed notion that Irish men are the continent’s least beautiful people has come from online dating site BeautifulPeople.com.

BeautifulPeople.com. is a dating site which claims to be reserved for only the most beautiful people and amazingly it rejects 90 per cent of all Irish applicants.

More than a million people worldwide are signed up to the site.

While it promises to find men a perfect match, BeautifulPeople.com will only accept you if the people already on the site vote for you.

There is a small silver lining for Irish men: Firstly Northern Ireland has the highest percentage of rejects, Ireland being only the second largest with just 4,500 of the 50,000 who’ve applied getting on the site. Secondly, among the Irish lasses only 19% were approved ...versus 76% of girls from Norway.

The site’s Greg Hodge says “If you think of the likes of Pierce Brosnan and Colin Farrell, it’s clear there are some very handsome Irish guys out there. But just 4,500 of the 50,000 who’ve applied have got on the site. That’s mainly because they’ve been letting themselves down in the profile pictures they upload. Often it’s a photo of them inside a pub holding a pint . A Brazilian man will make sure he looks tanned and toned and probably has a beach as a backdrop".