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... Barack Obama 'a better kisser' than McCain Barack Obama 'a better kisser' than McCain

4 August 2008

He may be wowing the whole of the world with his potential presidential charm, but it seems the American public is also interested in Barack Obama''''''''''''''''s kissability.

A new poll found that 77 per cent of Americans think that the Democrat candidate for the presidential election would be a better candidate than his opponent John McCain.

The survey by match.com and Happen Magazine found that when it comes to kissing, Obama may already be the winner.

Obama has already been compared to some of the most stylish men in the world, while his older counterpart has been likened to a senior citizen.

So it is no surprise that most respondents voted Barack as the most likely to be a good kisser.

The survey was carried out among 1,433 respondents both online and in person.

Darcy Cameron, senior director of marketing and advertising for the website, said: "While the majority of our member base considers themselves 'middle of the road', it appears that America is leaning to the left with their lips."