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... Brit men would shun the bedroom for plasma screen Brit men would shun the bedroom for plasma screen

13 May 2008

The average not-so-romantic British male would commit to six months of celibacy if it meant he could have a 50-inch plasma television, according to new research.

A study conducted by Comet found that men would give up just about anything if it meant having the most upmarket new gadget.

Of the 2,000 men who took part in the survey, nearly half said they would give up sex for half a year to get the "must-have" item.

Unsurprisingly, this is very different when it comes to women. While 47 per cent of males would shun the bedroom for six months to get their plasma, just a third of women said they would do the same.

Other people surveyed said they would give up smoking, while some said they would not touch chocolate during the period.

Reuters reports a statement from Comet as saying: "It seems that size really does matter more for men than women."