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... Brits reveal holiday body worries Brits reveal holiday body worries

22 July 2008

Holidays are supposed to be a time of fun and summer loving, but new research reveals that many women feel anxious while away because of low self-esteem.

A study by Total Greek yoghurt found that three quarters of UK women feel self-conscious about donning a bikini or swimsuit while away.

On average, these women spend £49 getting ready to bare nearly-all on the beach, with many going on fad diets in the run-up or spending money on fake tan or cellulite reduction treatments.

Around three in five survey respondents said they trim down before going away because they cannot bare to show any wobbly bits on the beach.

The study also showed men are feeling a bit self-conscious too with 40 per cent of them uncomfortable about stripping down on the beach.

A third of all the respondents said they were embarrassed by their figure, which made going on holiday a stressful experience.

But Brits should realise that the more confidence they have in their body – no matter what size they are – the more they are likely to win in the holiday dating game.

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