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... Brits 'the great romantics' Brits 'the great romantics'

4 August 2008

Contrary to popular belief, Britain is a nation full of romantics, topping the chart in the European love league.

According to a report from the Fiesta Love Factory, 82 per cent of UK residents believe in everlasting love.

The study was carried out in the whole of Europe and Britain took the top spot of idealistic romantics, ahead of France where just 64 per cent believe in love that lasts forever.

Even in Italy – thought to be the most romantic country in Europe – just 48 per cent of respondents believe that love can last a lifetime.

Among older Britons, the number was higher, with 87 per cent believing that love can last as long as you live.

Dr Mark Hamilton, celebrity love expert, said; "It's been fascinating to get involved with the Fiesta Love Factory Love Report and find out how the nation really loves to love.

"I certainly wouldn't have banked on men topping the tables in believing in both soulmates and love at first sight.

"By all accounts, men looking for love should move to London and start making more trips across the Channel!"
