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... Clegg reveals dating prowess Clegg reveals dating prowess

3 April 2008

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has this week swept to the top of the leaderboard of things the British public would prefer not to know about their politicians.

In an interview with GQ magazine that was part liberal, part libido, Mr Clegg discussed his sexual prowess - or lack of, as it may appear.

While the would-be Casanova cheerfully admitted to sleeping with "no more than 30" women, he added of his bedroom technique: "I do not think I am particularly brilliant or particularly bad."

However, Mr Clegg did show his romantic side when he confessed to being "pretty gobsmacked" when he first laid eyes on his wife, Miriam Gonzalez Durnatez, adding that she is love of his life.

Asked if he would ever cheat on his wife he spoke like a true politician however, with the very pragmatic answer "I certainly hope not".

Mr Clegg would do well not to follow the example set by former Conservative Party leader John Major, who was shown to be not quite so conservative in his bedroom antics after fellow MP Edwina Currie revealed all about their four-year affair in 2002.