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... Country girls 'most likely to get amorous on first Country girls 'most likely to get amorous on first

23 October 2008

Country girls are the most likely to have sex on a first date, according to a new poll.

Research from countrysidelove.co.uk revealed that rural women were the most frisky, with West Country lasses dubbed the most passionate in the UK.

Around 65 per cent of respondents from the area said they had slept with a new partner on a first date, the Metro reports.

Next in line were girls from Devon, Somerset and Cornwall who admitted they would indulge in lust if they felt the right chemistry with their new beau.

A spokesman for the website which carried out the study said: "We're not surprised at the findings. The combination of fresh air, fantastic food and stunning scenery means West Country women have a lust for life - and their men."

But City girls were less open to first date sex as only one in three said they had done it.

The spokesman said: "Country girls know passion and sex are part of life. Shorter working hours and the outdoor life mean rural girls have more time to devote to keeping their men happy."
