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... Couples reveal romantic break fears Couples reveal romantic break fears

10 December 2008

Men, more often than not, are having to foot the bill for romantic getaways, according to new research.

A study reveals that traditional views about gender roles still exist with 84 per cent of women expecting their other half to fork out for their first trips away together.

But women do not want to relinquish control completely, with 73 per cent wanting to decide when and where they go on their break.

The survey by hotels.com reveals that men pay an average of £351 for a romantic getaway.

However, women do spend roughly the same amount - £322 – on buying make-up, underwear and new outfits to make sure they look good on the break.

Couples have revealed they are fearful about going away with their other half for the first time, with one in three men scared they will run out of conversation topics and 18 per cent of women dreading their man seeing them first thing in the morning.

Other significant findings in the survey included the fact that the average couple waits two or three months before taking a romantic break.

But one in ten men said they would take their girlfriend on a romantic getaway just two weeks after meeting them if they were sure that she was The One.

Men seemed to be more romantic than their female counterparts, with 60 per cent of them saying a romantic hotel was the most important factor of a getaway.

This was compared to less than half of women, with the female of the species more concerned about local amenities and on-site facilities such as a spa or a restaurant.

Relationship expert Kate Taylor said mini breaks can be a worrying time for couples – especially if they have only been together a short time.

She commented: "It could be said that the first mini break is the make or break of a new relationship. It's often the first time couples have spent 48 hours in each other's company - seeing each other first thing in the morn