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... Couples stop making the effort after 2 years of ma Couples stop making the effort after 2 years of ma

30 October 2008

The romantic days are gone just two years, six months and 25 days into a marriage, according to new research.

A study conducted by onepoll.com found that newlyweds stop all the lovey-dovey actions they stuck to in the early days of their union at this point.

Women give up making an effort to look nice for their hubby, while men stop the false pretences of tidiness.

A massive 83 per cent said come their third wedding anniversary, couples cannot be bothered to celebrate the date anymore and – shock horror – are much less likely to share the TV remote.

It seems to be a case of familiarity breeds contempt, with seven in ten men saying they left their socks, pants and dirty laundry around the house because by the second year of marriage they were totally comfortable with their wife.

Among the women, 54 per cent stopped wearing make up and two thirds reported no longer making the effort to look nice for their husband.

John Sewell, spokesman for research firm onepoll.com, said: "It would appear that many are stuck in a rut, and whilst they still love their other half they're a little too comfortable in each other's company.

"Couples need to find a good balance between feeling comfortable and taking each other for granted.

"The odd romantic meal would probably be all many couples need to spice things up a bit - and small gestures such as tidying up, and helping out with the housework would go a long way."