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Dates 'costing' UK men
16 June 2008
Men are finding the dating game increasingly hard on their pockets, according to new research.
The average man forks out £50 for a date, with a significant number (41 per cent) even willing to go into debt in order to give their dream girl a dream date.
Many men responding to a National Savings & Investments (NS&I) Quarterly Savings Survey said they would be prepared to borrow from friends or relatives to fund a date, the Herald reports.
Commenting on the survey, senior savings strategist at NS&I, Dax Harkins, said: "Dating costs a lot. Men need to keep at least a few of their thoughts on money when they're trying to impress so they don't end up overspending."
But for many men, spending a lot is synonymous with impressing and all men are out to impress when they meet a girl romantically for the first time.
But men should take note that for most women, it's more about what is on the inside than how much a man can splash his cash.
While diamonds are a girl's best friend and girls love to be lavished, they would be happier with a man who loved them with all their hearts than one who thought the key to her heart was an expensive meal and flowers.
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