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... Dating lessons for kids? Dating lessons for kids?

2 September 2008

As youngsters start dating earlier and earlier, parents now feel that their little ones should be taught about relationships at school, according to new research.

A new study by an internet dating service found that 69 per cent of parents believe their kids would benefit from dating and relationship lessons in school and is calling on the government to take action.

Most parents believe the best time for children to start their first foray into the world of dating is at 16.

However, research shows that the average youngster actually starts going out with someone when they are 14.

Around five per cent of parents said their children had a boyfriend or girlfriend before their tenth birthday.

This worryingly early start has prompted parents to call on the government to teach children about relationships before giving them sex education.

The majority of respondents to the survey said they themselves were largely self-taught, but that teaching pupils about relationships could bring down the divorce rate in the future.

A spokesman for datingdirect.com, which carried out the study, said: "Children are now dating much earlier than their parents did and it seems only fitting that the education system reflects this.

"If the government were to introduce dating lessons into the school curriculum, we would see young people benefit from hearing the voice of a professional and not just relying on their peers or teaching themselves."