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... Divorced men keener to re-marry than divorced women Divorced men keener to re-marry than divorced women

29 March 2012

A new survey reveals that men are much more likely to get over a stressful and complicated break-up than women.

The research shows that 47 per cent of men who had been through a divorce were eager to wed again, compared to only 20 % of female divorcees who were keen to tie the knot for second time.

Georgina Chase, a divorce lawyer with Russell Jones & Walker Family Law, explained: 'The results of this survey don’t surprise me. We have male clients one might term as "Regulars"; we’ve just acted for one gentleman in his third divorce."

Chase, drawing on her many years of experience as a divorce lawyer, continued: “Women are a lot more cautious about remarrying once they have been divorced. Men, however, appear very keen post-divorce to find a new girlfriend and often that girlfriend wants the security of marriage and will push for it”.

The survey also revealed that 42 % of divorced men who are looking to date again claimed they wouldn't mind paying professional pick up artist to chaperone them on a date - a little like Steve Carrell does with Ryan Gosling in the film "Crazy, Stupid Love".

More divorced men also admitted to putting their profile on a dating website, too.

31% said they had tried online dating since their divorce - compared to just 19% of divorced women.

Mini Lane, a professional dating expert, said: 'The first step to finding a new partner, though is really wanting to find one - which is where it appears that divorced men already have an upper hand..'