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... Divorces linked to social media Divorces linked to social media

6 April 2012

Facebook is increasingly seen as a major factor in marriage breakdowns with lawyers now using the site as evidence in divorce proceedings. An online study from a UK website www.divorce-online.co.uk found Facebook to be the main culprit behind a third of divorces where unreasonable behaviour was cited as the cause. .

Dana Williams was in what she thought a good marriage. She and her husband were together for eight years when she was faced with a shocking discovery - her friend showed her pictures of her husband with another woman on Facebook.com.

Williams said, “And it was him saying he was so happy. He had his three month anniversary with this girl". She said her husband set up a secret Facebook account and his status expressed his love for this other woman . Williams said she also found pictures of her 9-year-old son with her husband and his new girlfriend. Williams said, “ It was the betrayal that was horrible,".

"Temptation we all know is something that everyone faces, and in the Internet age it's only a click away," according to pastor Gary Hay, who personally counsels couples in his church regarding marital problems.

"The offended spouse is very, very unaware of what's going on until it's too late and sometimes a physical relationship has already developed,"

Hay recommends couples set up a joint Facebook account or exchange passwords in an effort to safeguard their marriages.

In a recent survey, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, discovered 81% of the nation's top divorce attorneys said they've started using pictures and posts from social networking sites like Facebook as evidence.

"People have an idea this information is secure, and I don't think it is," according to divorce lawyer Van Pelta.