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... Do opposites really attract? Do opposites really attract?

10 October 2008

While opposites may attract initially, this spark fizzles out and more is needed to maintain a good relationship, according to a new survey.

The Oxford Internet Institute looked at the habits of 1,000 couples and found that couples who are very dissimilar are not necessarily compatible.

The research was based on a scientific matching programme in which major differences in personality types among respondents were highlighted.

Greg Waldorf, chief executive of eHarmony, told the BBC that we can work out scientifically the "unknowable quality about why two people connect".

While the saying 'opposites attract' is true initially, compatibility has far more about personality type and scientific make-up.

The survey highlighted the most important issues to couples that described themselves as happy and found that differences in personality types were not a top factor.

Mr Waldorf said: "We find that 'opposites attract' is not a great long-term kind of compatibility, even though it certainly does drive a lot of initial attraction."ADNFCR-1043-ID-18820227-ADNFCR