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... Don't leg-go of my heart Don't leg-go of my heart

15 September 2007

A blushing bride who broke her leg hours before her wedding ceremony refused to take doctors' orders and went through with her big day.

The night before her big day Linda Birchill fell down a flight of steps, but did not realise how badly she was hurt until the morning of her nuptials

She went to hospital, where doctors tried to admit her to a ward, but she told the Liverpool Echo: "I was determined not to miss my wedding."

She left hospital a few hours later to get ready for the ceremony and the wedding went ahead.

Linda had been given a wheelchair, but she stood for the ceremony and was able to spend an hour with friends and family, despite being in great pain.

Mr Morris said: "After we were married, she was told to have one hour at the reception and then go back.

"Everyone carried on partying and we were in hospital, her in her wedding dress, me in my suit, waiting for a bed - that was our wedding night."ADNFCR-1016-ID-18279173-ADNFCR