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... Duo to give seminar on The Rules of dating Duo to give seminar on The Rules of dating

29 August 2008

Two controversial dating gurus are headed to the UK to hold seminars on how to get the best man.

US-based Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider hit the headlines in 1995 after their no-holds-barred book on dating, '35 Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr Right'.

The best-seller was praised by the likes of Beyonce for its 'rules' but was also criticised by feminists for being too old-fashioned.

Speaking to the Sun, Ms Schneider said: "We were like Sex And The City, before Sex And The City."

The main concept is that a woman should never make the first move on a man - girls should always be chased.

One key rule is never to speak to a man first. This also applies to the worlds of email and texting.

The pair also insist that the rules apply to looking good too.

"You have to look sexy. You can't just say 'I can look like anything and do The Rules'," they say.

The pair say that the rules are needed in 2008 more than ever.