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... Ever wondered why your guy walked out on you? Ever wondered why your guy walked out on you?

1 March 2012

New Australian website wotwentwrong.com - offers help to people distressed and unhappy in love.

Do you ever wonder why your partner walked out on the relationship? Are you feeling distrustful about being walked out on, because of something got to do with either character traits or some behavioral flaw?

To get started, firstly you need to fill out a questionnaire.One of the response request templates says -"I think you’re a fantastic person. We had some great moments together, but obviously something has happened to change things. I wonder if you would be kind enough to let me know what went wrong”.

You have to rate the person you dated on categories like sense of humour, kissing techniques, conversation skills and attractiveness.

The site will send a response request form via email or phone to the person you dated. The receiver fills out the form by ticking simple checkboxes and answering some questions about the relationship or date as to what went wrong. Boxes that can be ticked include: "too superficial", "too sexist", “too intense", "too unreliable", "too frugal" .

The purpose of this questionnaire is to help the user find out what they are doing wrong and if it’s a pattern that they keep repeating.
In some ways, it has been condemned for displaying the pain of the person and also using social network in an inappropriate way.

One of the rules of the website is "BE NICE." Common sense suggests this often may not be possible when you have to rate someone who may hurt you or walked out without a reason.