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... French president dating supermodel French president dating supermodel

18 December 2007

French president Nicolas Sarkozy has begun a relationship with former supermodel Carla Bruni.

Just a couple of months after his divorce, the president has confidently stepped out with the model-turned-singer-songwriter. And the pair have set tongues wagging.

They took their children to Disneyland Paris last weekend, suggesting that the relationship has some future potential. And they are said to be planning birthday celebrations for Bruni who is soon to turn 40.

A political source in Paris is quoted by the Daily Mail as saying: "It's typical of Sarko to grab himself a trophy girlfriend in this manner."

Other parties have claimed that Sarkozy allowed photographs of himself and Bruni to be taken was to clear up rumours about his romantic situation since his divorce.

The model has previously had relationships with Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton.

The president's relationship wife former wife Cecila Sarkozy also satisfied France's need for gossip, since she refused to act as First Lady on many occasions, often failing to attend publicity events during his election campaign.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18399219-ADNFCR