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... Half of Britons dating online Half of Britons dating online

15 October 2008

Half of singletons in the UK are looking for love using online dating sites, according to new figures.

Research shows that old stereotypes regarding the computer nerd looking for his cyber soul mate have gone, with many people realising the benefits of finding love online.

A new survey by eharmony has found that online dating does not necessarily mean you are unromantic and merely looking for a profile which ticks the right boxes.

The study found that 61 per cent of people believe in the concept of a soul mate, while 41 per cent believe in love at first sight – and online daters are no less likely to hold these beliefs.

For 56 per cent of respondents compatibility is a key to finding the right partner, with key personality traits including agreeableness and emotional stability.

Greg Waldorf of eharmony said: "If you talk to the people who are successful this way they are just as excited and feel it was just as romantic the first time they met," he said.

"All the recollections that a couple has of their early relationships are just as genuine for people who meet this way."

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