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... Handling conflict can make or break relationship Handling conflict can make or break relationship

31 October 2007

It is not anger but how we deal with conflict in relationships that determines whether the love is built to last, according to Dr John Gottman, a relationship expert.

He claims that discussing issues openly can help to clear the air and that relationships will never be without conflict

And if both halves of the couple can come to amicable agreements and not get bogged down with feelings of resentment and anger, then they have a good chance of surviving, reports news.com.au.

Sue Muller, a relationship counsellor, said: "One of the most important issues in relationships today is how couples handle the conflict in their relationship."

So developing the skills to communicate effectively with your partner could really pay off.

Many couples do not learn how to resolve conflicts until it is too late to salvage their relationship.

Couples who have trouble reaching positive outcomes after arguments may find themselves coming up against recurring argument themes.

These are most commonly criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling, the latter being when one party refuses to communicate on the issue in hand.ADNFCR-1016-ID-18338071-ADNFCR

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