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... Ireland's Mini Baby Boom Ireland's Mini Baby Boom

2 March 2012

Ireland is experiencing a mini baby-boom since the economic collapse. The CSO has released data showing that there was more offspring born last year when compared with ten years ago. Interestingly, for a traditionally very Catholic country, approximately half the births in the city of Limerick are now outside of marriage.

In the second quarter of 2011, there were18,381 births registered – a massive 20.6 per cent increase on 2002 figures when just 15,247 babies were born.

New figures also show that at an average age of almost 32, the "Irish Mammy" is getting older. That is a 0.3 years older than the previous year and 1.3 years more than in 2002.The average age of mothers having their first child was 29.9.

Compared to the statistics of the number of marriages in Ireland it seems more people aren’t just having babies, they are also heading down the aisle. ||

In the three month period, 5,025 weddings took place – an increase of 215 on 2002 figures.
According to TheJournal.ie following are some of Ireland’s most vital statistics for April to June 2011:

6,013 births were registered outside of marriage. The highest percentage was seen in Limerick City, where almost half of births registered were outside marriage.
9,428 boys were born and 8,953 girls
11,104 - the natural increase in the population (births minus deaths)
4,484,300 – the estimated population of Ireland as of April 2011