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... Is the end in sight? Is the end in sight?

16 October 2007

A new survey has revealed some tell-tale signs which indicate whether a relationship is on the rocks.

It also found that women are likely to take a great interest in their relationship and therefore more alert to changes in behaviour on either side, reports Melbourne Herald Sun.

Men, however, tend to focus on work and other aspects of their lives so are less likely to recognise changes which could spell the end of a relationship.

This is evident since women, according to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, initiate 60 per cent of break-ups, while men often do not see it coming.

One relationship expert has suggested that it is more often women who detach, since men are less likely to seek resolution to conflicts.

Anne Hollands, CEO of Relationships Australia, described some of the typical signs a relationship is not built to last.

She said: "There are some classic early warning signs of a relationships starting to break down, such as when couples are living parallel lives; have recurring arguments or issues which are never resolved; or are preoccupied with interests and activities outside the relationship, leading to one partner feeling neglected."

Such behaviour is known as distancing and is said to be evident in one partner's tendency to be critical or to start arguments about small issues.

The other partner is generally surprised when the relationship ends and is prepared to keep trying to make it work at any cost.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18319534-ADNFCR