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... Keeping your relationship sexy Keeping your relationship sexy

21 September 2007

The buzz in a relationship can fade over time, as things become more day-to-day and the pressures of work and life in general bring the honeymoon period to an end.

But there are plenty of ways to keep the chemistry alive between you.

The American Chronicle describes some of the easiest to implement methods of keeping your love life on track.

The first is to make as much of an effort with your appearance as you did when you first started dating.

This applies not only to women but also to men. Both sexes can consider going to the gym and wearing nice clothes.

Make the bedroom a romantic place, where you don't bring arguments, family problems or concerns about bills or work. That way, when you go to bed you will see one another as lovers rather than resorting to the everyday stresses you encounter.

Keep the connection alive by telling each other your fantasies and acting them out. Even when you are apart, sending messages and gifts as a surprise will get you in the mood for when you get home to each other.

Have a code that you can use in front of other people which means you want some alone time with your partner. When you use it, you must both take the earliest opportunity to get away.

Using these tips will help your relationship stay as exciting as when you were first dating.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18289937-ADNFCR