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... Ladies in Red do it for the boys Ladies in Red do it for the boys

29 October 2008

When Chris de Burgh sang about his Lady in Red, we thought the colour was just his personal preference.

But new research reveals that men just cannot resist a woman dressed in scarlet.

A study carried out at the University of Rochester in the US found that women were judged to be sexier and prettier when wearing shades of deep rose, crimson or scarlet.

A woman wearing red is also more likely to be asked out on a date, according to the study.

Researchers said men's attraction to red is driven by the colour's primal association with sex.

And in modern society, the colour red is associated with romance, Valentine's Day and lust signified by the term "red light district".

Red is also of significance in the mating process in the animal world, according to the study.

During the study, men were shown pictures of "moderately attractive" women dressed in red, blue, green, grey and white.

When women were wearing the colour red they were instantly judged to be more attractive in all cases.

Study author Andrew Elliot, a professor of psychology at the university, said: "I'm not going to let my 16-year-old daughter wear red, let's put it that way.

"I do think a female who's interested in a male and going on a date ought to pull that red shirt out of the closet, because most likely it will make her more attractive to him."

Not only are men more likely to invite women wearing red out on a date, but they estimated they would spend twice the amount of money while on the date.

Despite the clear attraction to the colour red, men seemed to be unaware of the effects, saying it played no role in their decisions on whether a woman was attractive or not.

Interestingly, the study found that a man wearing red was also more attractive to women, but for different reasons.

Mr Elliot said: "The hypothesis is that you're going to se