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... Ladies say 'no thanks' to foreplay, survey reveals Ladies say 'no thanks' to foreplay, survey reveals

27 November 2008

The art of foreplay is something that has endured much debate over the years, with the general consensus being that ladies like it a lot, while men can pretty much do without it.

However, according to a new survey, women can be just as nonplussed about the pre-sex warm up as their male counterparts.

A study conducted in the Czech Republic by researchers from the University of the West of Scotland and Charles University in Prague revealed that many of the 2,300 ladies questioned would rather have a longer session of sex with their partner than lengthy foreplay.

What's more, the ideal amount of time for intercourse was revealed to be 16 minutes and two seconds.

Sex expert Petra Boynton disagrees though, pointing out that the results of the study could be somewhat misleading.

She explained to the Sun newspaper: "The difficulty with studies like this one, is that they demonstrate their findings under the assumption that foreplay and sexual intercourse are entirely separate to one another, when generally, they are not.

"Women in the study may claim to prefer penetrative sex alone, but I very much doubt that their sexual encounters consisted of their man pulling out his penis and inserting it into their vagina without any kissing, touching or stroking at all."

Ms Boynton went on to say that a more likely finding would be that women enjoy foreplay just as much as they enjoy sex, and that they do not prefer one act more than the other.

"The likelihood is that the women in the study like the act just as much as the build-up, not instead of it," she added.

Commenting on the results of the study to the Metro, a 23-year-old student called Alice said: "To be honest with you, I find intercourse quite dull if it lasts more than five minutes - I tend to get bored quite easily."

Perhaps the most important thing to consider is what suits you and your partner