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... London men lavish women with gifts and treats London men lavish women with gifts and treats

1 March 2008

London is one of the most romantic cities in the world. Stroll along the Thames, dine out at one of the fantastic eateries or watch one of the West End shows and you're sure to have a good time with the person you are dating.

But research has revealed that the capital also has the country's most romantic men. London males spend on average £2,458 showering their other half with gifts and treats. This is well over the national average of £1,015. That's what men in other parts of the country spend on their ladies – less than half that spent of London Casanovas.

Richard Mason, director at price comparison website moneysupermarket.com, which conducted the survey, said: "People might laugh at the North where the starry-eyed spend is less than half of that in London, but £873 a year is still a pretty respectable figure. It's certainly my job as someone who lives and works in the North to defend our romantic credentials."

The moneysupermarket.com study also found that the Midlands holds the "dubious honour" of having the most number of men who spend nothing on their partner. Nothing at all!

They are far outshone by the generous men of London, who even spend seven times more on their lovers than they do on their second love – their cars. Over the course of the year, men spend £191 on their prized vehicles on average, showing that their wife, girlfriend or partner comes first.

Despite having the highest number of stingy men when it comes to spoiling their loved ones, guys in the Midlands spend the most on decking out their cars with alloy wheels, speakers and other mod-cons – around £576 each year, the survey found.

Mr Mason said: "It's a pleasant surprise that romance hasn't been replaced with revs. I'd feared many women out there would have been feeling a distant number two to man's four-wheeled friend."

It is 2008, however. And the days of wo