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... Love in a crystal ball Love in a crystal ball

15 January 2008

A 23-year old Sydney woman has fulfilled her destiny and married a plumber she briefly knew years before.

Kristyn Rice was told of her future when she visited a clairvoyant aged just 16.

The psychic explained that she would find love with a plumber who she had previously met and that the pair would marry by the time she was 23-years old.

Sure enough, the personal assistant bumped into Dean, who she briefly knew though a school friend, at a local bar in 2004.

After dating for a couple of years, the 26-year old plucked up the courage to seek the approval of Kristyn's family to marry her.

"I was thrilled and couldn't say yes fast enough," she told the Sydney Morning Herald.

"I think the term, 'burning a hole in his pocket' is the best way to describe our proposal. Dean couldn't wait to ask and I couldn't wait to accept."

After returning from their honeymoon on Daydream Island the happy couple are now waiting to see whether the future will bring them three children and fulfil another of the clairvoyant's predictions.