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... Loved up seniors share secrets of staying power Loved up seniors share secrets of staying power

6 February 2008

A global study of couples who have been together for fifty or more years unlocks the secrets of long-term marital bliss.

More than 450 communities worldwide participated in the survey by a US-based care home provider

The researchers formulated a list of top tips for staying together, based on the couples' responses, Fox Business reports.

These include old chestnuts such as resolving arguments before going to bed and saying "I love you" to show you care.

Respect and trust are paramount, as are compromise and understanding. Some of the male participants joked that their secret of success was them doing whatever their spouse tells them, but all of the couples recognised the importance of give and take.

Communication and listening were highlighted as crucial, as was the ability to laugh together and - more surprisingly perhaps - couples also said small arguments are natural and in dealing with them you can actually strengthen your relationship.

Enjoying time together was identified as important - breaking out of the routine to value what you have together.

Relatedly, the couples made an effort to celebrate special occasions, be it birthdays or anniversaries.

Others said they treated every day as if it were Valentine's.

Almost as sweetly, the couples singled out a goodnight kiss as an excellent means of showing one's affection.

Their other pearls of wisdom included finding out as much as you can about each other before getting married - obvious perhaps, but sometimes the most important things are and yet remain overlooked.

The romantic elders also advised going on regular dates - they aren't solely for teenagers, just as love should not only be expressed on one day of the year.

In a biblical vein, they recommended treating your partner how you would wish to be treated and overlooking small faults.

They also urged couples not to focus too much on