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... Macho men endure pain to save face Macho men endure pain to save face

20 October 2008

British men are so scared of looking like wimps in front of their loved ones that they refuse to go to the doctor, a new survey reveals.

Around 17 per cent of respondents to a survey conducted by Bioforce UK said they would not get medical advice because they are too embarrassed.

The study found that seven out of ten men would hold off seeing a doctor until the problem had died down, while one in ten would not trouble a medical expert until the pain became unbearable.

Some so-called 'macho men' would outright refuse medical help for any symptoms they were suffering from, Sky News reports.

The survey was carried out to try and understand men's attitudes towards illnesses.

Around nine per cent of the men in the survey said they would not go to the doctor because they did not like talking about sensitive issues with people they do not know.
