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... Married couples missing out on passion Married couples missing out on passion

22 October 2007

The romantic and sex lives of couples are said to dwindle as soon as they settle down into marriage.

Anjula Mutanda, a relationship psychologist told the Voice: "In the beginning, couples are really thoughtful and considerate and make time to listen to each other.

"However, when everyday life creeps in and people get used to living together, they start arguing about bills…

"Also, kids may pop into the equation and people start to feel pressurised…and all those little gestures that were the glue of their relationship suddenly dry up and couples become less bothered to make an effort in bed."

To keep the romance alive, she suggests couples keep making the effort to look good for their partner and keep being sexy.

Keeping up gestures such as saying "I love you" can also help to keep you on track, as well as setting aside time for love making.

A recent poll by Five showed that couples who talk are more likely to remain faithful to each other.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18326337-ADNFCR