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... May: the month of lovers May: the month of lovers

6 May 2008

May is the month of romance for British couples, according to a tourism expert.

According to English Heritage, loved-up couples should think of this month as a time to indulge in romantic outdoor activities.

The organisation has just launched a map of Romantic England detailing the best places for couples to see in the country.

Joanna Appleby, national campaigns manager for English Heritage, said there are "dozens" of English traditions which recognise May as the most romantic month in the calendar.

She said: "We want our visitors to be inspired by the stories of our properties and rediscover a sense of old-fashioned romance.

"From the love letters sent to Elizabeth I on display at Kenilworth Castle, to the tragic Celtic myths of Tintagel Castle, these stories are far from the tedious texting and social networking of today’s relationships. We're even hosting events at various locations around the country where kids can learn the ancient arts of chivalry for themselves."