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... Men aged 53 are 'the most romantic' Men aged 53 are 'the most romantic'

15 October 2008

Men become most romantic when they are aged 53, according to a new survey.

A survey of 2,000 men aged between 18 and 65 found that after years of relationships with women, 53-year-old males finally learn how to be romantic.

It is these men that are most likely to spring romantic surprises on their partners, including sprinkling rose petals in the bath and splashing out on chocolates, perfume and flowers.

Almost half of the over-50s in the survey said they had treated their loved ones to a candlelit dinner. But just one in four of the 20 to 25-year-olds had done the same.

A spokesman for the hotel company which undertook the survey said that by the time they reach their fifties men have a "wealth of experience" to draw on.

He said: "He will have endured countless arguments with his partner, made hundreds of mistakes and blundered his way through the early years of his relationship.

"When a man reaches 53, he will be wiser about what works for his partner, and will be more likely to make an effort."
