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... Men choose football over love Men choose football over love

14 April 2008

When it comes to romance or football, a whopping majority of football fans would choose their beloved sport, according to a survey.

Research conducted in a Football Fans Census poll found that 85 per cent of men who watch the game would consider dumping their girlfriends to watch their team play.

Whether it's United, Arsenal or Liverpool, for these men, their love of the 11 men chasing a round ball around for 90 minutes rates higher than the love of a good woman.

Around 42 per cent said, while it would not be ideal to find out their wife or girlfriend was cheating on them with their best friend, they would be more irate if their team lost in the final of the FA Cup to their rivals.

Men also splash out more on supporting their team than treating a lady, the survey found.

It revealed the average fan spends £80.85 going to an away game, compared to just £51.85 on a date.

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