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... Men 'not into cosmetics' Men 'not into cosmetics'

14 June 2008

Recent years have hailed the rise of the metrosexual man – the man who looks after his appearance, probably spends more time in the mirror than his girlfriend and spends a lot of money on cosmetic products.

But recent research reveals that this man is far from the norm, with British men spending an average of just £2.50 a year on skincare products.

While Beckham may be the archetypal metrosexual man who is not afraid of looking after himself, it seems that most men are rather more interested in how he gets on on the pitch than his beauty regime.

Recent research by Mintel revealed that the female skincare market is worth £602 million, compared to the men's market worth just £57 million.

Senior beauty analyst at Mintel, Alexandra Richmond, said: "Companies have invested huge amounts of money into men's skincare.

"And with all the talk of the new age man and metrosexuals, everyone has been waiting for British men to really buy into looking after their skin. But this has clearly not yet happened."
