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... Men 'scared of marrying the wrong person' Men 'scared of marrying the wrong person'

23 June 2008

Men are steering clear of tying the knot because they are scared of having a bad marriage, according to a new survey.

According to an online survey by Carl Weisman, a 49-year-old bachelor, men are ten times more afraid of marrying the wrong person than women.

And this crippling fear is putting them off from proposing to their girlfriends, the survey showed.

Mr Weisman carried out the research for his book So Why Have You Never Been Married? – Ten Insights Into Why He Hasn't Wed, Australia's Courier Mail reports.

He told the newspaper: "I wanted to give some women an insight into why some smart, successful men opted to stay single – and help lifelong bachelors understand why they are still the solo man at parties."

Mr Weisman's survey found that eight per cent of bachelors never want to get married, while 62 per cent do want to tie the knot.

However, half of these are looking for perfection in a woman before they would settle down with her.

He also noticed that financial worries play a large part in why men stay away from marriage.

Mr Weisman said: "Those with little money said they would have nothing to offer a partner, with some suffering self-esteem issues and withdrawing from the dating pool.

"While those who are financially sound were terrified what a bad divorce could do to them."