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... Men vain, while women lack self esteem Men vain, while women lack self esteem

16 May 2008

Men are motivated by vanity when they choose to have cosmetic surgery, while women do it because they have low self-esteem, according to a new study.

An in-depth survey of 2,000 men and women around Britain was carried out to try and decipher what makes men and women go under the knife and what their general attitudes to cosmetic surgery are.

It found that a third of men said vanity would motivate them to have cosmetic surgery, while one in three women said they would do it to give themselves a confidence boost.

The survey also revealed that 46 of men would not change a thing about themselves because they are so confident and satisfied with their appearance.

Research was carried out by Gfk Nop on behalf of cosmetic surgery provider Transform Cosmetic and also found that 80 per cent of people believe cosmetic surgery has become more socially acceptable.

If men and women did want to change something about themselves, they were most likely to alter their weight and tummy.

Shami Choudry from Transform said: "When American TV drama Nip/Tuck aired on British screens, the programme and it's catchphrase 'tell me what you don't like about yourself' caused a cosmetic surgery frenzy. However the findings from this research prove that most women opt for treatment to enhance their confidence, rather than simply their appearance."