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... Men's dating pitfalls Men's dating pitfalls

28 January 2008

A marriage counsellor has revealed the top five mistakes men unwittingly make in their relations with the fairer sex.

Linda Lewis Griffith says the first problem men face is staying engaged. Whether the distraction is sport or video games, men have a tendency to zone out and neglect their ladies and families.

The second issue is the old chestnut of communication, with many men finding it difficult to talk about their emotions. Compromise and patience are necessary as women tend to be very over-analytical when it comes to their feelings, Linda tells the San Luis Obispo website.

Thirdly, men often find it more difficult to control their temper and may need to use simple anger management techniques.

Fourthly, men sometimes blame their partner when things go wrong - of course women can be guilty of this too.

Finally, special dates pose a potential minefield, as women generally attach more significance to anniversaries and birthdays and may well be genuinely upset if their man forgets to recognise these significant days.