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... More sex means fewer marks More sex means fewer marks

28 January 2008

Society is increasingly socially liberal, but the downsides of promiscuity have been highlighted by new research, which suggests that sleeping around leads to poor exam performance.

A survey of undergraduates at Cambridge University found there was an inverse relationship between academic attainment and number of sexual partners, with the most promiscuous colleges having the lowest exam scores.

The online poll results, which were published in the student magazine Varsity, compared a college's ranking on the Tompkins Table - which ranks the institutions according to their exam marks - with students' sexual proclivities.

Ed Cumming, the magazine's associate editor, said: "Some results confirm long-held stereotypes. Those involved in postgraduate study are less likely to have had sex than their undergraduate counterparts.

"It suggests that as long as you believe in sex before marriage, you will have lost your virginity by the time you graduate."

Medics had the most sexual partners (eight) while theology students had the fewest (two).