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... Most desirable Olympians revealed Most desirable Olympians revealed

8 August 2008

As the Summer Olympics fast approaches, gay people in the UK have revealed which athletes they would most like to go on a date with.

For the ladies, Dame Kelly Holmes, who won gold medals in both the 800m and the 1,500m in the last Olympics four years ago, took the top spot.

Dame Kelly took 48 per cent of the votes, followed by the beautiful Denise Lewis in second place with 19 per cent.

Meanwhile former decathlete Daley Thompson was most popular for the boys.

As teams prepare themselves for the gruelling tasks ahead in Beijing, some spectators' temperatures will be racing as they look on at the toned men and women representing their countries.

Boating partners Sir Steven Redgrave and Matthew Pincent took third and fourth place respectively in the poll conducted by Parship.

They were followed by Jonathan Edwards and Lord Sebastian Coe.

Adrian Gillian, a spokesman for the company, said: "Although the eternally boyish Edwards and Coe may be disappointed not to have charmed their ways higher up the homo-podium, they will unquestionably be delighted to see gay people taking such keen interest in athletics: hopefully not just as cheering spectators but also as out and proud participants – if not in Beijing this month, then in London four years hence."