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... Nothing can keep couple apart Nothing can keep couple apart

5 December 2007

A woman from Kent missed her husband so much that she broke into the prison he was in to visit him.

She scaled the fence at Standford Hill open prison on the Isle of Sheppey to be reunited with her man.

They successfully made it to his cell for some fun, but on her way out she was caught by guards, which is hardly surprising since the prison has no female residents.

A source told the Sun: "She got in by climbing over a fence and her husband was waiting for her.

"He took her into his cell for a romp and she left a short while later. A few people knew about it. Then while she was trying to leave she was spotted.

"She stood out because she was the only woman in an all-male jail."

The woman has now been arrested and her husband moved to a higher security prison.ADNFCR-1016-ID-18382942-ADNFCR