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... Nottingham 'least romantic city in the UK' Nottingham 'least romantic city in the UK'

11 June 2008

Nottingham has been voted the least likely place in the UK to have a romantic place, a new survey reveals.

According to a poll if a thousand women by Best Western Hotels, the Midlands city came top of the unsexy league when compared with other areas around Britain.

It seems that the city might be finding it hard to shake off its 'gun crime capital of the UK' image, receiving 18 per cent of the vote.

Leeds followed close behind with 14 per cent of the vote, while Liverpool got 11 per cent.

Even picturesque university towns Cambridge and Oxford each got a two per cent share of the vote.

Whether you're in Nottingham, Newbury or Nantwich, you can find love where and when you least expect it.

Don't let your postcode hold you back from being optimistic about finding The One. He or she is out there somewhere. All you have to do is take the plunge and you'll find your perfect match.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18632806-ADNFCR