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... Online dating 'great for finding Mr or Miss Right' Online dating 'great for finding Mr or Miss Right'

22 April 2008

When it comes to finding The One, online dating sites are one of the best methods, according to a magazine.

Wired News revealed that 17 per cent of people who have tried online dating have found the love of their life and tied the knot or got into a long-term relationship.

It is estimated that some three million people have gone from virtual romance to lasting relationships.

However, the research shows that online daters do occasionally stretch the truth about themselves.

According to the US site, the average female claims on her dating profile that she is 20 pounds lighter than the average American woman.

But men are not blameless, with the average man adding an inch to their height in order to make themselves seem more attractive to potential female online daters.

However, research shows women are less concerned about height and more concerned about how much the guy earns.

According to Wired News, a man who is 5'8" can be just as desired as a six-footer if he earns more than $146,000 a year.

If you are vertically challenged but earn a significant amount of money then you are likely to be extremely popular with the ladies.

Looking for someone special? Try online dating today