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... Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers

3 October 2007

The hottest young actor to come out of the UK in some time has bagged a Hollywood star, according to reports.

Orlando Bloom, star of Pirates of the Caribbean, has been linked to star of Friends Jennifer Aniston

They were seen holidaying together in Mexico recently and despite their attempts to keep the alleged relationship private, rumours have run rife.

A witness said: "They were trying their best to be discreet, but it was clear they were together. They make a very attractive couple."

Aniston divorced from Brad Pitt in 2005, since when she has dated Vince Vaughn and model Paul Sculfor.

This is her first trans-Atlantic romance.

Eight years Aniston's junior, Orlando has not let the opportunities fame has brought pass him by. The 30-year-old has been romantically linked to Penelope Cruz, Uma Thurman, Sienna miller and Kirsten Dunst to name a few.

Let's hope Jen doesn't get added to his list of tried and failed Hollywood relationships.ADNFCR-1016-ID-18303679-ADNFCR