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... People 'finding love later' People 'finding love later'

4 March 2008

Think you've been left on the shelf? Well, fear not. You are normal. A new study has revealed that more people are meeting The One later in life.

Just 14 per cent of couples in 2006 met their other half in school, while 18 per cent found love in the office.

Some 15 years ago, around 23 per cent of couples met while in education, with 15 per cent meeting at work.

In evidence that society is changing, the research conducted by Harris Interactive found that once they get together, people are now waiting longer before they tie the knot, NYU News reports.

Student Afrodite Fountas told the website that the statistics were down to changing attitudes.

She said: "In college, people are still finding themselves and might not be mentally or financially ready for marriage… I'd say people are more cautious nowadays."
