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Relationship problems down to genetic flaw?
3 September 2008
Having trouble convincing the man of your dreams to marry you? Well, don't blame him. His reluctance to wed could be down to his genes.
New scientific research from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that some men are genetically pre-disposed to having relationship trouble and being less likely to get married.
The research was carried out among a set of 552 sets of male twins whose DNA was examined.
All the participants had children and were in long-term relationships – and some of them were married.
The men were asked questions on their relationships and it was found that those with the 334 version of the gene AVPR1A had weaker relationships with their partners or wives and were less likely to be married, or had marriage problems.
Commenting on the study, Hasse Walum, lead researcher, said it was an innovative study which looked at the link between a specific gene and the strength of romantic relationships for the first time.
He said: "Women married to men who carry one or two copies of allele 334 were, on average, less satisfied with their relationship than women married to men who didn't carry this allele."
But he added: "There are, of course, many reasons why a person might have relationship problems."