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Rich men 'more likely to have kids'
9 October 2008
Richer men are more likely to have children, according to a new survey, which reveals that women really do want a man who can provide for them.
A study conducted at Newcastle University found that rich men have more a greater chance of having children than poorer men.
And it is not to do with cash making you more fertile, but women's attraction to a man who will be able to provide for her and her children.
Daniel Nettle, a behavioural scientist at the university, said that in the long-term dating game richer men will almost always finish first.
He told New Scientist: "It's not that if you're richer you'll have more children - if you're richer you're less likely to be childless."
Mr Nettles' research found that there was a direct correlation between the amount of money men earn and the number of children they had.
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