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... Rollercoaster ride of love Rollercoaster ride of love

11 September 2008

If the object of your affections does not seem to be taking an interest in you, then try taking them on a rollercoaster to give love a helping hand.

New scientific research reveals that the hormone secreted when we go on white-knuckle rides, bungee jumps or other thrill-seeking activities is the same as the one secreted when we fancy someone.

Phenylethylamine is the hormone prevalent in the science of attraction and is also predominant in adventure activities.

This means that your chances with your potential mate are increased if you stare longingly into their eyes after stepping off a rollercoaster with them.

Author Richard Robinson, who wrote the book Why The One You Fancy Never Fancies You, said the hormone is emitted when you see someone you "really, really fancy".

Speaking at the British Association's Festival of Science in Liverpool this week, he said: "It is the hormone of euphoria, it is the hormone of joy and ecstasy."

He also advised singletons looking for love to not wear much perfume as this masks your natural scent, which can make you attractive to the opposite sex.

Mr Robinson added that those looking for love need to get out and about and meet new people.

He said: "Meeting a lot of people is key. Sitting there moping and eating chocolate is not going to get you anywhere."

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